BlogFun FactsWindermere Real Estate July 17, 2020

Housing Math

It’s interesting to look at what population growth means for housing.


On average, along the Front Range, 2.5 people live in each housing unit.


What that means is 4 housing units are needed for every 10 people who live here.


So, for every 1000 new people moving to our area, 400 new housing units are required.


The population of Metro Denver is just under 3,000,000 and the population of Northern Colorado is just over 650,000.


Assuming the Front Range grows in population at 2% per year, that means 60,000 new people in Metro Denver and 13,000 new people in Northern Colorado each year.


To house those people, 24,000 new housing units need to be built per year in Metro Denver and 5,200 in Northern Colorado

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